Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lovin' Lovina!

So, after the volcano at Batur with the fishing villages and gravesite on the lake, we headed north toward the beach community of Lovina. Again, if I am near a body of water, all is usually very well, and this is a beautiful, black sand beach from which you can actually see Krakatoa - yes, that Krakatoa, the volcano of monumental eruptive fame.

Our hosts, Tom and Pui San, being from water-surrounded, always hot Singapore, were trying to make a bee-line for their favorite cool mountain retreat in Sanda, but graciously acceded to my desire to spend the night and morning in Lovina. Thank you, thank you, it was fantastic!

We got up at 5:30 a.m., and made our way to the beach (about 10 yards from our door), where Tom, John and I boarded a wooden outrigger with our guide for the morning, Made. We were hoping to find dolphins playing in the sea.

Upon buying our tickets for this excursion the night before, we were told that, yes our money (all $7 each) would be refunded if we were rained out, but no refund if we did not see dolphins.

No rain greeted us that morning - and even Made, after two hours of coming upon pod after pod of the lithe, rather small, gray pranksters, told us it had been a particularly exceptional day for sightings! The water was warm, and we rode the boat often standing up hanging from the crossbar above to get a better look. Truly a highlight of the trip for me.


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